2 Samuel 7

Danger Ahead

 Things are going well for David and the kingdom is established. In chapter seven we read that David wants to build a permanent house for the Lord. He talks to Nathan the prophet who tells David to go for it. There is a problem though. Neither of them asked God what He wanted. That night the Lord speaks to the prophet and what He has to say rebukes both men. There is an important lesson for us to learn here as well.

 Along with success comes the temptation of pride. In this case it seems like David has a good idea but the problem is just that. It is his idea and his plan. God has a plan and He has been working out His plan for quite some time. God also has a plan for David. In this chapter I count at least 16 places where God says this is what “I” have done for you. God also tells David through the prophet of His plan for the construction of the temple in the future.

 David, by focusing on his plan, however good, has become blind to God’s plan and what He has done. In the Bible this is called pride. When we are prideful we attempt to elevate ourselves to the place where God never intended us to go.  We are moving into dangerous territory there because when we are focused on ourselves and our plan we are isolating from God and His plan. It is not that David planned to rebel against God. Not at all, David wanted to do something good for God. The problem was that David’s sin nature was taking over and David was unaware. Our sin nature can be very subtle and deceptive, but it can trip us and make us fall if we do not pay attention to our relationship with God as a servant and not a lord.

 This is what happened to the Pharisees. After Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, there was a group of priests that attempted to preserve the Law and make it known to the people who were taken into captivity.  Over the years this group evolved into the Pharisees. At first everything went well but as time went on they started to add to the Law the commentaries of the Rabbis and developed traditions. Eventually God’s plan of salvation by faith was lost to a salvation by works developed by the Pharisees. Their teaching became so engrained that they missed the Son of God when He came, and put Him to death on the cross, all the while thinking they were doing a good thing for God.

 This is why Jesus taught in John 15 that he was the vine and His followers are the branches. If the branches are going to do any good at all for the Lord they must abide in Him. They must stay connected through prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. They must follow God’s Plan for them and avoid coming up with a plan for God to follow. The same is true for us. Jesus spent a lot of time that night before he was arrested making sure we all understood that God has a plan for each of us and we need to do His plan. (John 13-17)  Not only did Jesus teach us this, He demonstrated it with how He lived His life in His relationship with His Father. Although God, He took on the nature of a bondservant doing the master’s will which illustrates His absolute obedience. His relationship of the Son to the Father illustrates the love and attitude that accompany perfect obedience.

God desires that we do right things in right ways. This requires not only obedience to His plan but we must also be aware of His plan for us. We need to keep our relationship with Him strong and healthy.

 Once David is rebuked the action he takes next illustrates how to pray as a branch abiding in the vine. I want to encourage each of us to read John 13-17 and use 2 Samuel 7 as an illustration so we can understand what it means to abide in the vine.

 May God direct, bless, and be your Guide.

Pastor Dave