These were the words of the Philippian jailer to Paul and Silas who had not escaped from prison when they had the chance following an earthquake that shook the prison until the doors came open. Had they escaped, the jailer would have been put to death. Acts 16:25-34.

The answer is found in Verse 31 “ Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.” NASB

The journey to salvation begins on the inside, within our heart. God sent His Holy Spirit to the world. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts us of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness, and judgment. John 16:8

Deep down within we know that we are guilty of sin. The Bible tells us that, …all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23 NASB

Deep down we know this is true. We know we are not righteous. Deep down we also know that we were meant to live forever. King Solomon knew this and wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God set eternity in the heart of man. King Solomon, like the rich young ruler, and the disciples following this encounter in Luke 18:18-30, knew there was something more than this life on earth. He tried everything in his power to find meaning and purpose in the life he lived but found his search to be futile. His best efforts resulted in him saying, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:2b. There is a foot note in my Bible that translates this verse as “Futility of futilities.” Solomon did find that there was life after death but he was separated from it and dead to it. That is because death in the Bible means separation.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:1&2 And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. NASB

Deep down we know this is true and like the jailer above we also know one day we will have to give an account for our life and face judgement for our sins.

Many people try real hard to be good for goodness sake. The Apostle Paul certainly tried as we read in Romans 7. As hard as he tried he found this to be impossible. He wrote his conclusion in Verse 24, Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Paul found the answer In Acts 9 and gives us the answer in Romans 8:1, There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. NASB

What we see Paul experience in Acts 9 gives us a picture of the Holy Spirit convicting the world of Guilt in regard to sin.

In Romans 6:23 we read, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. NASB

The Apostle John tells us in 1John 2:2 that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. When I think of all that Jesus went through beginning with the betrayal of Judas, Peters Denial, His covert arrest, and the failure of the priesthood who not only denied Him justice from the Law but instead plotted and planned to kill Him, I see each of these events as the sins of the world being placed on Him. It doesn’t end there. The most powerful government on earth at the time, failed to bring justice, caving to political pressure instead. The soldiers failed to protect him but instead they took from Him what little he had. He was beaten, mocked, spit upon, tortured, and nailed to a cross where he suffered and died. In these events I envision two things. The first is that these things represent the sins of the world. The second thing is that the force behind these sins is the hatred and wrath of the devil. All that sin and wrath was put on Him. But there was another wrath Jesus experienced and that was the wrath of God. The wrath of God will one day be poured out on unforgiven sin and the devil. We know exactly when God’s wrath for our sin was placed on Him because He cried out, “ My God, My God, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME?” Matthew 27:46b NASB

Again, death in the Bible means separation. Jesus made this cry the moment your sin, my sin, and the sins of the world were placed on Him because at that moment He was separated from God the Father. The Bible tells us He descended into Hades, the place where the dead go to await judgement. But there was a problem. Hades couldn’t hold Him because He had committed no sin and as a result, He rose again. Not only that, but He led out all who had previously died and had put their faith in God. Presently they are with Him in heaven. The same is true for those who put their faith in Him today and die. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:8 that those who have put there faith in the Lord Jesus and have died are in heaven with their Lord.

There was one more thing Jesus cried out from the cross right before He died. He cried out, “It is finished.” John 19:30b NASB

Jesus has finished the work of salvation but have you?

In Acts 2 Peter gives his first sermon where he tells the people listening that they arrested and nailed Jesus to the cross and put Him to death. As we read above Peter was guilty and so are we. Thus He is also talking to us. When the people heard this, Verse 37 tells us that the people were pierced to the heart and asked the apostles what they should do. Peter said, “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far off, and as many as the Lord our God shall call to Himself.” Acts 2:38&39. All Verses in this study are from the NASB

Is God calling you? Is the Holy Spirit bringing conviction? God loves you and wants you to have life and life eternal.

Why not pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart and give you a new life.

Here is a simple prayer.

“Lord Jesus I no longer want to live the way I have been living. I repent of my old life and my sins. I ask you to forgive my sins. I thank you for sending Your Son Jesus the Christ to die my death, the death I owe for my sins. Today I am making Him my Savior and Lord. I also thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sin and my need for Him in my life. I ask that you baptize me with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to guide me each day. Thank You for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus and in His name I pray, Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer I want to encourage you to keep this relationship healthy by praying to your Father in Heaven. I encourage you to listen to our Lord Jesus by reading the Bible daily. Jesus is the Word we read in John 1.Every time you read your Bible you are listening to Him. I also encourage you to attend a Bible teaching church. I recommend one that teaches the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse. Surrender your will to the will of God through the Holy Spirit. He will empower you and show you God’s plan for you.

If you made this commitment today you have been born again. We have God’s word on it. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore if any man is in Christ he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold new things have come. NASB

May God bless you and guide you!