Genesis 28

Jacob and Esau


Today’s reading is about Jacob deceiving his brother Esau out of his birthright and his father’s blessing, and the consequences that resulted from his actions.

In verses 6-9 of Chapter 28 we see just how ignorant Esau was or how little he valued God’s covenant to Abraham and Isaac. We also see his attempt to fix (from his ignorance) what he thought was the problem by marrying a daughter of Ishmael.

As a result of the deception by Jacob and his mother Jacob is forced to flee but along the way God reveals Himself to Jacob in a dream and blesses him with the covenant given to his father and grandfather.  Jacob’s response to this is an “if – then” statement in verses 20-22.  This is how his first day of “desert seminary” begins.  One of the greatest lessons he will learn is found in Proverbs 16:9, “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” NASB

This lesson will also be learned by Isaac and Rebekah but we will have to read on the next few days to see how things unfolded.

Of course for us the question is what can we learn from Proverbs 16:9 and the examples before us? 

Someone once said that it is a wise man who learns from his mistakes.  It is a really wise man who learns from the mistakes of others.

 Grace and Peace to You

Pastor Dave