Psalms 141 & 65

2 Samuel 20

In these two Psalms we recognize that the discipline of the Lord has accomplished its purpose in King David. In Proverbs 3 we are told that we should trust the Lord rather than trust our own understanding. God will guide us through the events of life and if we trust Him rather than trust in ourselves we will find healing and refreshment. We are also told that when we get off track the Lord applies discipline to get us on the right path in life again.  We need to realize discipline comes from God’s love for us. David had to learn the hard way, and so do we, but one thing that remains steadfast, is God’s love for us.

 In these Psalms there is a marked change in David that we haven’t seen lately. Now he is praying and trusting the Lord. He also recognizes that God is his provision and that God is in control even when the world around him remains out of control.

Though David has changed, the world around him, including the people who “serve” him have not, as we see in 2 Samuel 20. The path of leadership leads to difficult people and situations that can bring a person to the end of their ability to cope very quickly. David will need to rely on God and to seek and trust God’s leading. He may not understand everything that he is about to go through in the coming chapters but he has God to lean on and follow as he realizes that God is walking the same path with him.

 The same is true for us. The enemy wants us to believe we are all alone and everything depends on us and our abilities to deal with whatever may come. But the reality is that God is with us.  He is our strength, provision, and guide. Nothing will catch Him by surprise and though He may have to discipline us from time to time remember He loves us and that discipline not only brings correction but also strength.

 For further reading I recommend Proverbs 3 and Hebrews 12.

 May God bless and guide.

Pastor Dave