2 Samuel 5& 6


Thy Will Be Done

 Well, it has finally happened! All the tribes of Israel have come together and make David king. He is now king over the entire nation. What is interesting is that the tribes knew that when Samuel had anointed David that he was God’s choice to be king, yet they resisted him trying to keep the kingdom in the hands of the house of Saul. Abner, Saul’s commander, did the same thing eventhough he knew God had chosen David to be king. Just because someone knows God’s plan doesn’t mean they are on board with it.

 When Samuel anointed David king the word got out like a prophesy. Today many people know about the prophesy regarding the second coming of Christ but they are living like it is never going to happen. I now have a lot more years behind me than I have ahead of me on this earth. I can bring up an image of an old man on the street corner with a sign that says, “The End is Near,” and relate because one day I know I will meet Jesus. I have no doubt about that.

The question is, how will that meeting go? 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 reminds me that all believers will give an account for what they have been gifted with from God and what they did with those gifts during their time on earth. However, God loves us too much to wait until judgment day before He lets us know we are getting off track.  We can expect discipline.

 Everything is going well for David and he is elated. He is setting up the kingdom. The Lord is leading him in victory after victory. His family is growing. All seems well. David is grateful for what God has done but there is trouble ahead.

 In Chapter 6 David decides to bring the ark of God from the house of Abinadab where it has been for the last 20 years since the Philistines returned it after they captured it back in 1 Samuel 6. Apparently during the period of the Judges and the reign of King Saul much had been lost regarding the knowledge and worship of God. Oh, they were offering sacrifices but they seem to be going through the motions rather than truly fearing the Lord. Though David is developing his relationship with the Lord and has sought him from time to time there were also times when he acted on his own wisdom and understanding without seeking the Lord’s direction. The first part of Chapter 6 was one of those times.

 When the Philistines returned the ark they put it on a cart pulled by a couple of cows and sent it on its way. Now, when it was time for Israel to move the ark, they built a new cart, put the ark on it, and headed out with celebrating.  But when the cart got to the threshing floor the oxen pulling it almost upset it and Uzzah tried to steady it. The Lord struck Uzzah and he died that day and David became afraid of the Lord. 

 Here is the problem. The Ark represents God and how man is to relate to God and how God is going to relate to man. In short, it represents God dwelling with man. The Ark was captured because Israel was using it as an idol. God made his power known to the Philistines to the point where they not only wanted to return it but they wanted to get rid of it out of fear. They did only what they knew to do by building the cart, but Israel knew better. In the Law God made it clear how the ark was to be moved and by whom. To follow the Law is to fear God by giving Him the reverence due Him. David and the people with him were treating the ark more like an idol than reverencing God. Israel was supposed to know better. Jesus said that those of us who are given much, much will be expected. To do less is usually because we have a wrong or casual attitude toward God or we are ignorant of who God really is.

 In the latter part of Chapter 6 David moves the ark again. This time he has taken off his kingly robes and dressed as a common person. 1 Chronicles 15 tells us he did his research and has the Ark moved according to the Word of God. He is still king and he is still in charge but he is humble before his God and that is what God has in mind for us.

 Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has a plan for each believer. He has gifted us to accomplish the work He has planned for us to do. We need to be careful that we do not seek the glory and praise of people. Jesus warned in Matthew 6 that the Pharisees were guilty of this when they gave, prayed, and fasted. They were doing the thing God wanted them to do but they were not doing it for God but to get the praise for themselves. The Apostle Paul gives us a similar warning using Jesus as our example in Philippians 2:3-11. In verse 5 he tells us, “Have this same attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,” NASB

Actions follow attitude. What was it that indicated what the attitude of Jesus was? His prayer in the garden ended with  “…not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39b NASB

Then He went to the cross to die for your sins and mine.

 We need to be careful that we don’t get casual in our reverence for God. If we do we can expect God to discipline. We are called and gifted to serve God and bring Him glory, honor, and praise. This is the currency of Heaven. When we serve in such a way that God gets the glory, honor, and praise, we are storing up treasures in Heaven. When our relationship becomes casual, when we do sloppy work, or seek to get the glory, honor, and praise, we are robbing God.*

 Let Colossians 3:17 be your guide.

Pastor Dave

 * For more on robbing God see, Jeremiah 7:1-11; Malachi; Matthew 21:13