Psalms 33, 108,117&118

Running Ahead

David wanted to build a house for the Lord. God had other plans. God’s plan not only included David, the Temple, and Israel, but also the world. Israel was to be God’s witness to the world by living the law in such a way that the world would understand that God wants to bless His creation and people. The prophet Nathan, without seeking the word from the Lord, told David to go ahead and build the house. At this point God intervened and had a talk with Nathan and Nathan had to go to David and tell him God had a plan to build the Temple but David was not the one to build it. Both men were running ahead of God’s plan because they were focused on their plan but God had something bigger in mind. In 2 Samuel 7, God tells David all that He has done for David and what He has planned for David’s sons.

Although David’s plan is rejected he sees that he is part of a bigger plan that God has so as a result he praises God, and praise is the focus of the Psalms in our study today.

It is difficult to identify the author and the date of Psalm 33, however, the message is timeless as it describes God’s plan for the nations. The Hebrew word translated “nation” in verse 12 is used to describe gentile people groups. It is clear from this Psalm that God cares about the world and the people He has created and His plan is firmly in place.  As believers our job is to wait in hope on the Lord and demonstrate God’s nature to the world as our Lord did. Hebrews 1:3

Psalm 108 is a Psalm of David and in the first five verses David is praising the Lord for His plan and faithfulness. In the verses that follow David realizes that apart from God, he (and we) can do nothing, but with God all things are possible. Paul said in Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” NIV

In this truth Paul found contentment in every situation because he was dependent on God not himself. This is what David found in his rebuke from God. God did not reject David; God was bringing Him in line with His plan. The same is true for us. God has a plan for us and with His plan comes the wisdom, direction, and power to carry out what God has for us to do.

Psalm 117 is an expression of the witness and invitation Israel and believers are to bring to the world. Psalm 118 is a messianic Psalm that speaks of Jesus coming into Jerusalem riding on the donkey on what is known as Palm Sunday. As I read this Psalm I am reminded of the night I came to the end of my ability to manage my life and cried out to Jesus for forgiveness of my sins, gave my life to Him, and made Him Lord of my life. Only God can bring peace and contentment to our life and situation but we must surrender our life to Him. There is no peace without surrender. God is watching over you. He knows what you are going through trying to manage and control everything. To you he offers the invitation in Matthew 11:28-30. My prayer is that everyone will hear and respond to His call in the noise of their situation.

I did, and I found the promise in Philippians 4:19 to be true.

Pastor Dave