Exodus 36-40
The Aftermath Part 2
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ……from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:11-13& 16-17 NKJV
While Moses was on the mountain with God the people of Israel were in party mode worshiping the golden calf Aaron made. Sin is destructive and 3000 die when Moses confronts the people and Aaron. Then Moses goes to God and intercedes on behalf of the people. God offers to make Moses great, and make him into a great nation. But Moses has a heart for the people and continues to stand in the gap between God and the people. God then shows Moses His true merciful nature. Moses is then given another copy of the Law and he goes down the mountain back to the people, only this time there is something different about Moses. His face is shining, reflecting the glory of the Lord.
After the 3000 had died and Moses went back to meet with the Lord the people had time to reflect on the sins they committed. They could have well been wondering if they were going to die, for the consequences of sin is death. But when they saw the radiance of God’s glory on the face of Moses they must have known that God had forgiven them. Moses gives them the Law and this time the people are really receptive because the people realize they deserve death but have received mercy. From this a revival is born.
Revivals happen when people realize their true sinful condition in the eyes of a holy and just God. Revivals take place when the people understand the mercy of God and that He desires to forgive their sins. Revivals happen when people receive God’s mercy, commit their lives to the Lord, and put their desire to serve God into action. God’s mercy and love is the power behind what takes place in a revival. This is what we observe in Chapters 36-40.
In these chapters we see the construction of the tabernacle and all of the items that go with it so the people can worship God. God has gifted people with special talents to do different parts but all the people are involved each doing their part that God has given them to do. It is all hands on deck now and things are moving quickly and by the end of the chapter the Tabernacle is set up and ready to go. In a revival, when God is allowed to work through His people much is accomplished and what is accomplished is absolutely miraculous.
I’m ready for a revival. Here at Creekside we have been praying for revival. From this study I am convinced that we must continue to pray and stand in the gap. But we must also stand in a right relationship before God. We must accept God’s mercy and surrender our will to Him desiring to do the work He has for us drawing from His resources and not our own.
Will you join us as we pray for revival? The world and our culture is in desperate need of one. When I think of praying for revival I can’t help but think of these verses in Isaiah 62:6&7, so this is our homework for today.
May our hope be in the God of Heaven and not in this world.
Pray fervently.
Pastor Dave