The Necessary Change
Joshua 11
“So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord had spoken to Moses…” Joshua 11:23a NASB
In Chapter 11 we read three times that Joshua did just as the Lord commanded Moses. Moses, representing the Word of God, brought the people to the border of the Promised Land but he was unable to take the people across the border. For forty years Moses led the people in the wilderness but there was little progress and many died in the wilderness never reaching the Promised Land. There is a saying, “nothing changes until something changes” and that was certainly the case here.
For the most part, the people wandering through the wilderness were focused on themselves, the food they ate, their comfort, and their fears. In essence their grumbling and complaining was an effort to direct God as He was trying to direct them. But they came to a point where they changed from complaining to Moses to seeking the will of God. As they surrendered their will, sought God for victory over the Kings east of the Promised Land, and started to trust God, they became obedient to God’s will. It was that attitude change that set them up for victory.
Joshua had to learn this lesson as well. In Chapter 5 we read that the captain of the host of the Lord appeared to Joshua. Joshua wanted to know if the captain was for them or against them. The captain’s reply was saying that God’s will is Holy and you need to humble yourself before God so take off your sandals, listen, and be obedient. Joshua’s will was trampling on God’s will.
This pattern repeats. Moses had to take off his sandals and submit to God’s will before God could use him. In the gospels we see Jesus getting into the disciples boat with them and crossing the lake and going through storms, even walking on water until fear sank Peter, but their came a time when Jesus no longer got in the boat with them. Instead, they were following Him where He went. They weren’t perfect. They stumbled from time to time but as they followed Jesus their faith in Him grew stronger as He prepared them for what was ahead.
That time spent in the wilderness, or those times confined in our “boat,” are the very times God teaches us to trust Him instead of direct Him. The real question is how long until we surrender our will and listen to God, and do his will? I fear there are many Christians who have given their life to Jesus and have the hope of going to Heaven, but live their day to day lives in the wilderness of the world or in the narrow confines of the “boat.” They are walking through this life with sandals on their feet separating them from God and His plan for them in their day to day lives.
Years ago I sensed God asking me, “What could He do through me if He had all of me?”
I’m going to ask you the same question. What could God do through you if He had your total commitment to Him?
Ephesians 2:10: 4:1-16
May God be free to lead.
Pastor Dave