Job 18-20


In Chapter 17 Job was looking for someone who would stand in the gap for him. He was looking for someone who would lay down a pledge for him and tell of his character and innocence. Instead, in Chapter 18 Bildad goes on the attack again. Job has been saying God has done all this to Job for reasons unknown, and Bildad is saying Job got what he deserved from God. Both are claiming the other is verbally attacking the other. Zophar chimes in and goes on the attack as well.

All of them believe that God has caused all this to happen to Job. The place where they disagree is why. What is missing in all this is that we have an enemy and God has a plan. No one seems to understand this so they all seem to go over and over the same ground but remain stuck not really understanding what took place and why. Frustrating.

Certainly there are consequences for things we do.  Every choice we make has a consequence destination. If we make a poor choice we will suffer for that choice. Conversely if we make a good choice we should experience a good consequence. But it may not always seem that way.   

As this trial goes on it is revealing what is in the heart of Job and his friends.

The Apostle Paul writes, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23 NASB

If God were judging sin Job and his three friends would not be there. If God were to judge us for our sin right now we may not be here either.  God is willing to let us go through trials to show us that we are sinners who have missed the mark in our relationship with God. Romans 3:23

This is the case here.

I have to admit each time I read through the book of Job I get impatient and want to get to the end but the arguments just drag on. It does help when I remember that Peter said that God is patient because He is not willing to let any perish. 2 Peter 3:9

God’s desire is that we all have eternal life. God knows that if we were to be judged for our sins, all would perish so in His love and kindness He gave His Son to pay the price for our sins and the sins of Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, you , me and the world.   In 1 Corinthians 13 love is defined by patience and kindness.  I hope we all remember this the next time we face something that tries our patience.

We can love because He first loved us.

Pastor Dave